Saturday, August 04, 2007


1 .Think ahead to ur life as u would like to it be and how u would like it to be remembered by those closest to u :
a. What accomplishment would they mention?
b. What personal strengths would they enumerate?
In short what is ur legacy?
Note: Not an occasion to be modes or in flip neither is the occasion to in fantasy.
n Hopes and Dreams have a way of not coming true unless we do sth to make happen.
n Look back over what u have written and ask urself if I u have plan that will bring that legacy that is realistic and within ur power. And more to the point ,are u enacting –plan in ur present life.
n Good work “ is not a faucet we can turn on when we eventually are moved to do so .rather ,it is the result of life time of developing appropriate talents and habits, which include a moral sense.
…..I would never have times unless I made the time.
…..He was a good worker .He did is job well, not bcoz he love it but it was the right thing to do .

2. Have a Gud Day:
a. what might we actually do to have a good day
two steps:
· first u need to determine what makes a good day for u .Here u need to be gud observer for ur own days ,the good ones as well as the not-so-good ones,to see if you can identify the relevant features.
· Second assuming that you can identify these ,how can you change ur fture days to maximisethe enabling factors and minimize those that detract. Eg,Go straight to concrete activities ,if u can determine,eg,that a good day is one during which u talked to ur mother on the phone or excercised or wrote in ur journal,then there is very practical lesson to be learned.Have a more days in which you do these things and fewer days in which u don’t –doh.
Way To –DO: Get a note book pr a pad of paper or create excel sheet and keep track what u do during a day ,some journal on an hour-to-hour basis,whereas others prefer to parse their day in terms of it dominant activities.Regardless,write down an over all ratings.

10 .it was one of the best day in ur life.
9. it was outstanding day.
8 it was excellent day
7 it was very good day.
6. it was good day.
5 it was average or typical day.
4 it was sub-par day
3. it was bad day
2 it was terrible day
1. it was one of the worst day of ur life.

3. Savoring:
Don’t stack up ur pleasures and try to experience them simultaneously. Have them one at a time and relish in its own right.

Eudemonia: being true to ones inner self according to this view,true happiness entails identifying ones virtues, cultivating them and living in accordance with them.utilising eudemonic emphasis is the premise that people should develop what is best within themselves and use these skills and talents in the service of greater goods –including in particular the welfare of other people or human-kind writ large. ”Be all that u can be” and “ make difference”
--- Those who pursue eudemonic goals and activities are more satisfied than who pursue pleasure.
--- Another possible route to happiness is the pursuit of Victory-winning at whatever matters to us.
By Nandu

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